Thursday, October 25, 2012

Richard Mourdock's God makes him cry

Picture of a Bible Hmmm. What does the Good Book say about crying tears of self-pity, eh? Awwwwww. Sad:
An emotional Richard Mourdock told fellow Republicans here that this 'has been one of the toughest days of my life' as the GOP Senate candidate acknowledged creating 'quite a firestorm' from his controversial comments on rape and abortion.

'Today has not been a fun day,' a teary-eyed Mourdock told a private dinner meeting of the Hamilton County Republican Party. 'Professionally, emotionally, it's been one of the toughest days of my life quite frankly.'

Doesn't that just break your heart? Poor guy. Life sure has been tough for the Republican candidate for Senate, ever since he explained that women should not be allowed to make their own health care decisions because:
I came to realize that life is that gift from God and I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape that it is something God intended to happen.
It isn't clear why Mourdock thinks that being criticized for saying something so awful is just a tragedy worth crying over. After all, such criticism is clearly God's will. He ought to consider it a gift. That is how God works, isn't it? When bad things happen'like, maybe, you're criticized for saying something grossly offensive, or, you know, you're raped and impregnated by your rapist'don't cry about it. Just say, "Thanks, God!" and remember it's just God's little way of saying he cares about you.

But alas:

Mourdock said he was surprised that some interpreted his remarks that 'somehow, I felt that the God I worship would somehow be OK with the very violent act of rape. Nothing, nothing, nothing could be further from the truth. ' The God I worship is a God of peace.'
Goal Thermometer

Well, that explains it. The God Mourdock worships is a God of peace who, like, totally hates rape, which is why he gives out rape babies as consolation prizes, but darn it, he can't seem to do anything about the actual rapes. Nor, apparently, can he protect Mourdock from humiliating himself.

Or maybe that's just God's will too.

Want to really make Richard Mourdock and his Republican rape apologists cry? Help send more, better women to Congress. Please give $3 to each of our Daily Kos-endorsed women candidates for the House and Senate, so we can send more, better women to Washington to fight back against the War on Women.

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