Friday, October 26, 2012

Mitt Romney's silence on Richard Mourdock tells the whole story

Yesterday morning Mitt Romney refused to answer three separate questions from reporters about Richard Mourdock's comments about rape and abortion:

Cat got his tongue, apparently. Although his campaign put out a statement distancing Romney from Mourdock's comments, Romney continues to support Mourdock and hasn't personally spoken out on the issue. The reason for his silent support of Mourdock is crystal clear: Romney can't renounce his support for Mourdock without infuriating his political base and he can't publicly embrace Mourdock (again) without alienating persuadable voters. So Romney is simply going silent, hoping to never confront the issue.

Politicians face this kind of political pickle all the time, but let's be clear: If Mitt Romney weren't beholden to the radical right, there's no way he'd be going silent right now. And it only takes about 30 seconds of searching through YouTube to figure out how Mitt Romney would govern if he gets elected. Remember, Romney was stridently pro-choice when he ran for U.S. Senate and when he ran for Massachusetts governor. But when he was actually elected, he flip-flopped. He governed as a pro-life Republican even though he ran as a pro-choice moderate.

Nowadays, Mitt Romney claims that he supports exceptions for rape and incest. But we already know that he lied once about choice in order to win an election. And his silence about Richard Mourdock is a pretty clear sign that he's lying once again.

Please chip in $5 to help President Obama finish this campaign strong and protect the right to choose.

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