Monday, October 1, 2012

Michele Bachmann is getting more unhinged

Michele Bachmann Michele Bachmann is slowly devolving into a mean parody of herself, and considering where she started from that is saying something. Here are her "thoughts" on the president's last speech to the U.N.
It almost sounds like he's trying to speak as ''Emperor of the World,' telling the world what to do, as opposed to being the President of the United States who should be adamant and say it's outrageous that these Islamist countries should be calling on the United States to take away the constitutional protections of the American people. This is very important to think that the United States would restrict speech of Americans. Now the president did talk in his remarks about the fact that we do have a constitutional right to free speech but really the only focus of that speech should have been under no circumstances will the United States ever subvert the Constitution to Sharia law. We didn't get that kind of a forceful statement from our President.
Goal Thermometer

I'm trying to imagine, here, a president going up in front of the United Nations and devoting an entire speech to the notion that America and our Constitution was under attack by forces bent on establishing Muslim religious rule, but that this would not stand. I'm not seeing any scenario in which the president (any president) would not come off as a freaking crazy person.

It seems that Bachmann is getting more unhinged by the week. I'm not sure if her new invisible-Muslims conspiracy is something she honestly believes or if it's just some sort of Glenn Beckish performance art meant to keep the worst of her base happy, but she's gone off the deep end either way. It's not even parody material at this point, it's just ... unhinged.

Well, whatever. Hopefully her district is getting as sick of her as the rest of her party seems to be. Please donate $3 to Jim Graves, who has an uphill climb in unseating this crackpot.

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