Friday, October 26, 2012

Linda McMahon and Donald Trump, sittin' in a tree ...

Donald Trump arrives for the premiere of the film The Donald's toxic waste oozes into Connecticut. Linda McMahon and Donald Trump, two peas in sleazoid pod.
The single largest contributor to the Donald J. Trump Foundation'as listed on 990 forms filed with the Internal Revenue Service'is denying it gave $5 million to the coiffed one.

World Wrestling Entertainment, which now just goes by the WWE, distanced itself Wednesday from Trump, amid The Donald's promise to pay $5 million to the charity of President Obama's choice if the commander-in-chief releases all of his college and passport records. [...]

The press shop at the WWE didn't do the wrestling matriarch any favors, however.

'WWE has not made any donation to the Donald J. Trump Foundation,' WWE's Brian Flinn told Hearst Newspapers Wednesday evening. 'However, as I understand it, the Vince and Linda McMahon Family Foundation has donated $5 million in total to the Donald J. Trump Foundation.'

For her part, McMahon is denying the donation from the family foundation. But the WWE (which is basically Vince and Linda McMahon) says that the Trump Foundation messed up in filling out IRS forms and incorrectly listed WWE as the donor, when it should have been the McMahon foundation.
Trump Foundation tax return showing WWE donation of $1 million Goal Thermometer
However you boil it down, the McMahons gave the Trump Foundation $5 million. That's on top of the $1 million they gave Trump to "appear in 2007 during its marquee event, WrestleMania 23, where The Donald shaved Vince McMahon's head in the ring." Lovely.

This kind of messes up McMahon's big push to tie herself to Obama. Being the biggest donor to the country's biggest birther, is more than a little inconvenient for her. And the possibility that her $5 million donation is the $5 million Trump is pledging to push his birther theory is even worse.

Couldn't happen to a more deserving candidate.

Please send Chris Murphy $3 on ActBlue.

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