Friday, October 26, 2012

Josh Mandel says Richard Mourdock is 'a class act'

That's hapless Ohio Senate candidate Josh Mandel, refusing to comment on his fellow Republican Richard Mourdoch's assertion that pregnancies that result from rape are a 'gift from God.' He hadn't seen the video from the debate in person, he said, so he just couldn't comment. Today, however, he broke his silence, telling Laura Ingraham that Mourdock is "a gentleman. He's a class act. He apologized for his comments and I accept that.'

But let's go back to Wednesday, when Mandel wasn't commenting on Mourdock. Look at what he said:

REPORTER: It's true that you do not have an exception when it comes to abortion. You're pro-life in all cases, even '
MANDEL: I think it's important to protect the life of the mother, and I'm proud to be pro-life.
Goal Thermometer
That's news. Because of this, in his questionnaire submitted to the Right to Life of Greater Cincinnati Inc.'where it asks, 'Do you support federal and state legislation to ban abortion-on-demand from fertilization to birth?' and gives three options for answers'Mandel checked the "yes" option. Not the "yes with exceptions" option, just yes. Oh, never mind that, says his spokesperson: 'Josh's public comments have also always reflected his pro-life stance with that exception."

He's telling Right to Life in private that he will support the kind of no-exceptions abortion ban that is in the official platform of the Republican Party. But he's not going to say that in public. Weasel.

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