Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Heckuva' job, Hannity

So that secret video recording of President Obama declaring war on white America turns out to have been a publicly available speech given by Obama as a presidential candidate in 2007. And it wasn't just publicly available'it was widely reported, including by none other than Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity's Fox, the race hustlers who spent last night trying to pimp old stuff as brand new. That alone makes this an epic fail, but it's even worse when you consider what they they thought was offensive. Take, for example, this screenshot, flagged by Alex Seitz-Wald, which for my money was the highlight of the entire clown show:

Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson with Chyron reading: Wow. President Obama has lost Hannity and Carlson for sure. Now, to be fair to Hannity and Carlson (and Matt Drudge, who also pimped their hustle), they did manage to snooker some traditional media reporters, including The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza and Politico's Mike Allen, both of whom made asses of themselves by taking the video seriously. And Hannity and Carlson also managed to get the Romney campaign to encourage voters to watch the video. "They need to look at that video," said Romney communications aide Kevin Madden, "and make up their minds on that individually."

Smarter Republicans realize the release of this video hurt Mitt Romney, even if Romney had nothing to do with its rerelease. Obviously, they'd love for Mitt's 47 percent comments to disappear into the ether, but this video isn't an effective response. As the Obama campaign's Robert Gibbs told reporters, this speech isn't something anyone is going to confuse with a secret fundraiser recording ... because the speech was open press.

The speech wasn't a big deal in 2008, and it's not a big deal now. And let's face it: if you think it's offensive to say that government let African-Americans down during Hurricane Katrina, you weren't ever going to vote for President Obama anyway. But Sean Hannity would sure love to count you as a member of his television audience.

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