Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Democrats: Romney should take a stand and pull his Mourdock endorsement ad

In a TV ad released Monday, Mitt Romney says: "I'm supporting Richard Mourdock" Senator Patty Murray, head of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, releases a statement calling on Mitt Romney to pull his television ad endorsing Indiana GOP senate nominee Richard Mourdock, who last night said that pregnancies resulting from rape are "something God intended":
"While Mitt Romney is rightly distancing himself from Richard Mourdock today, his ad endorsing Mourdock's extreme candidacy continues to air in Indiana.  If Mitt Romney is serious about repudiating these heinous views on rape, he will take down this ad immediately.  National Republicans cannot paper over Richard Mourdock's heinous views on rape.  Enough is enough.  The Republican Party needs to stop the coddling and take a stand against the horribly offensive and dangerous views of the Tea Party and their extreme candidates."
Earlier, an aide said that Romney "disagrees" with Mourdock, but according to this political reporter for the Indianapolis Star, Romney's ad endorsing Mourdock is still on air:
Which is why Romney quickly disavowed Mourdock's words. But Romney TV ad backing Mourdock is still up as far as I can tell. #INSen
' @marybschneider via web According to the same reporter, Indiana GOP gubernatorial candidate Mike Pence is urging Mourdock to apologize, but as the Obama campaign points out, Mitt Romney is demonstrating his lack of leadership by standing by his endorsement ad.

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