Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Big Dog in new ad for Obama: 'He's got it right'

OFA says the ad will air in Nevada, Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Ohio and Virginia
President Bill Clinton: The stuff some folks are saying about President Obama sound kind of familiar. The same people said my ideas destroyed jobs'they called me every name in the book. Well we created 22 million new jobs and turned deficits into surpluses. President Obama's got it right. We should invest in the middle class, education and innovation. And pay down our debt with spending restraint and asking the wealthy to pay a little more. Sound familiar?
Yes, it does sound familiar. And Mitt Romney's plan to boost the economy by cutting taxes on "job creators" sounds familiar. This election isn't just a choice between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. It's also a choice between the ideas that powered the Clinton economy and the ideas that destroyed the Bush economy. Hopefully that message gets through to the few remaining undecided voters out there. If it does, Tuesday after next is going to be a tremendous night.

Please chip in $5 to help President Obama close this campaign strong.

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