Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Battleground polling snapshot: Romney regresses

U.S. President Barack Obama arrives at an election campaign rally at Kent State University September 26, 2012.     REUTERS/Jason Reed Remember when Ohio was competitive? The current numbers are from the TPM polling composite. The four-year-ago numbers are from exactly four years ago, or Oct. 3, 2008. The final '08 margin'a new column on this chart'is the final vote results.

As some of you might quickly notice, Missouri is back on the chart! That 4.7-point Romney advantage feels big and difficult to overcome, right? Well, Romney faces equally daunting or bigger deficits in five of the remaining contested states. No one really thinks Missouri will turn Blue this year, and no one is spending money on the presidential race. So the fact that it is closer than states that Romney is spending millions in is pretty darn hilarious.

It also gives Romney another state in which he's above the 45s'one of just two in this list of 10 states plus the national composite.

North Carolina, by the way, was a slight Obama lead yesterday in the composite, until a new Rasmussen poll this morning turned it Red again. As it's pretty obvious at this point, the state will come down to GOTV.

Every time I plug new numbers into this chart for this feature, I think, "Lookit that, Romney is going backwards again!" I decided to see if my perception was reality, so I compared Romney's level of support in the polling composite to what he was receiving a little over a month ago:

I was right. Romney has lost ground in every State That Matters except for Colorado and North Carolina. Meanwhile, here's Obama's share of support:

Obama has gained ground in every single state.

It is conservative dogma that undecided voters will break for Romney. The data shows the opposite'not only are undecided voters breaking for Obama, but Romney is losing what support he has!

Which goes to show once again, the more people get to know Romney, the less they like him.

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