Thursday, October 25, 2012

Anti-choice groups spend tens of thousands supporting 'pro-choice' Scott Brown

Elizabeth Warren exposes the real Scott Brown on women's issues. Scott Brown reacted to Richard Mourdock's rape comments entirely predictably, with his well-rehearsed talking point: 'I'm a pro-choice Republican and that's not what I believe. I disagree with what he said.'

He got away with that statement, again, without anyone in the media asking why, at the same time he was making this comment, the forced birth brigade is pouring tens of thousands into his race against Elizabeth Warren, sending mailers to Massachusetts voters endorsing Brown.

The National Right to Life Committee has spent about $45,000 sending out mailers supporting Senator Scott Brown, even as he supports legalized abortion. [...]

He has received endorsements from several groups that oppose legalized abortion, in part because of his opposition to President Obama's health care law and his support for a measure that would have allowed employers and churches to restrict health coverage for treatments or procedures they find morally objectionable.

Goal Thermometer

Brown says he's pro-choice, but as all these groups have endorsed him say, he's a senator who votes anti-choice. He might disagree with Mourdock's statement, but he'd probably be voting with him. Consider his model Supreme Court justice.

To quote Elizabeth Warren:

"[H]e had exactly one chance to vote for a pro-choice woman from Massachusetts to the United States Supreme Court. And he voted No."
Please contribute $3 to Elizabeth Warren on ActBlue.

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