Friday, August 3, 2012

When Harry met Romney

Newspaper clipping for George Romney agreeing to reveal 12 years worth of tax returns. Mitt Romney's father knew a thing or two about putting up or shutting up. LOL:
Mitt Romney on Thursday pushed back against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's allegations that the presumptive GOP nominee has not been paying his taxes.

"It's time for Harry to put up or shut up," Romney said on Sean Hannity's radio show.

That's not called pushing back. That's called dodging the question. Harry Reid's not running for president, Mitt Romney is. And while people close to Reid say his source is credible, that doesn't settle anything.

The bottom-line is that this isn't about Harry Reid. There's only one person who can stop the speculation and put this issue to rest, and that's Mitt Romney. He could do it in ten seconds. All he needs to do is show the American public the same courtesy that he showed John McCain by following his dad's example and releasing his tax returns to the public. As long as he keeps them secret, the speculation about what he's hiding will never end. If Mitt can't handle that, then he shouldn't have run for president in the first place.

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