Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Mean federal government won't let career criminal James O'Keefe jet down to Florida

Mugshot of James O'Keefe James O'Keefe: Criminal. Don't you just hate when you're on probation for trying to break in and bug the office of a United States senator and the super-mean federal government won't give you a special exemption to ignore your probation just because you are likely to continue your crime spree because you can't stop getting yourself into legal trouble every time you leave the house and maybe that's not a good enough reason to get a special exemption?

Yeah, I hate when that happens:

JMI Tampa Luncheon Update: Due to unforeseen circumstances, the guest speaker for our luncheon, James O'Keefe, will not be able to personally attend JMI's event tomorrow. However, he will participate via Skype with both remarks and a robust Q & A session. Come hear why the federal government has revoked permission for him to travel to Tampa.

Despite the government's restrictions, not all is lost for this citizen journalist in the age of new media. Even by Skype, if you have yet to see one of Mr. O'Keefe's presentations, we believe you will find it thought-provoking and entertaining.

Now, who among us doesn't love a good euphemism? And "citizen journalist" sure is a good one for a 27-year-old guy who lives in his parents' basement and enjoys amateur film-making about a range of topics, from conservative porn, to National Public Radio executives saying things they didn't actually say, to Medicare fraud that doesn't exist, to exposing a "dead" voter who isn't dead.

When not making fake videos, this "citizen journalist" enjoys swinging by Occupy Wall Street demonstrations just to be a dick, in possible violation of his probation; avoiding the entire state of New Hampshire for fear of being served with a grand jury subpoena; and committing voter fraud with his friends'the ones he's not busy suing to stop them from talking about all those times he sexually harassed them.

Yup. "Citizen journalism" at its finest.

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