Saturday, March 9, 2013

This week in the world of progressive state blogs: Tea party forgets what happened in Boston Harbor

megaphone Today begins a new Saturday feature spotlighting a dozen examples of what's been written in the past seven days at progressive state blogs. Just as states with progressive lawmakers and activists have themselves initiated innovative programs over a wide range of issues, state-based progressive blogs have helped provide us with a point of view and inside information we don't get from the traditional media. Those blogs deserve a larger audience. So, without further ado, here's this week's collection:

At Blog for Iowa, Trish Nelson writes What Does Grassley Have Against Voting?

Yesterday State Representative Pat Grassley, grandson of Senator Chuck Grassley, introduced House File 423, which would eliminate the high school social studies requirement to teach voting procedures, and instead require teaching 'the principles of American citizenship.'

HF423 would specifically remove the requirement to teach 'voting statutes and procedures, voter registration requirements, the use of paper ballots and voting systems in the election process, and the method of acquiring and casting an absentee ballot.' In addition, Grassley's proposal would require high school students to learn the 'tenets of American citizenship' and 'the principles of American citizenship.'

At the Cowgirl Blog in Montana, Cowgirl writes Consistency Isn't Their Cup of Tea:
The latest TEA Party stunner comes to us from Bozeman.  A self-proclaimed member of the Bozeman Tea Party, a group that named their movement after the most famous act of civil disobedience in the nation's history, is calling civil disobedience 'highly offensive' in the Bozeman Chronicle today.
Please continue reading posts from progressive state blogs below the fold.

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