Wednesday, August 1, 2012

House Republicans will vote against tax cut for the middle class today

Grover Norquist Grover Norquist still rules their world. House Republicans are set to vote against 98 percent of their constituents today, again. Democrats are going to offer an extension on the middle class tax cuts, letting the cuts for the wealthiest expire.

Republicans will almost certainly reject that, refusing to vote against this middle class tax cut unless the tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans are also extended. They will be rejecting the only viable path for extending the cuts for the middle class: the Senate has already rejected extending the tax cuts for the rich, and won't pass the House bill.

The Republicans won't just be voting against working families, they'll be voting against their own political interests, Today's Quinnipiac University/CBS News/New York Times of critical swing states shows that once again:

Results of Quinnipiac University/CBS News/New York Times poll in FL, OH, PA on raising taxes on income over $250,000 In Florida, 58 percent of voters support raising taxes on income over $250,000. That goes up to 60 percent in Ohio, and 62 percent in Pennsylvania. Nationally, the most recent Pew Poll shows that the American people believe that letting the tax cuts for the wealthy expire is both good for the economy and good for fairness.

But for Republicans, voting with Grover Norquist comes before voting for the interests of their constituents. Don't expect that to change with today's vote.

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