Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Union ad campaign calls for jobs, not cuts

The NEA, SEIU, and AFSCME unveiled the ads they'll be airing to pressure potentially wobbly Democratic senators and potentially semi-reasonable Republican House members to extend middle-class tax cuts (but, implied, not those other ones for rich people) and avert cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Television ads target Democratic senators in Colorado (seen above), Virginia, and Missouri. Radio ads will run in Alaska, Pennsylvania, and Missouri:
The radio ads target members of both parties with an appeal to bipartisanship. 'Congress should act quickly to preserve the middle class tax cuts,' the narrator says. 'And that will take leaders willing to put people ahead of partisan politics.'
The Thanksgiving-week ad campaign is a prelude to a campaign that will include grassroots lobbying and more throughout the lame duck session.

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