Friday, November 30, 2012

John Boehner sticks his nose in Senate business, issues threats over filibuster reform

John Boehner It's all threats all the time with this guy these days. Republicans must be really worried about having one of their favorite obstructionist tools taken away from them. Here's House Speaker John Boehner blundering into the debate over Senate filibuster reform.
'Senate Democrats' attempt to break Senate rules in order to change Senate rules is clearly designed to marginalize Senate Republicans and their constituents while greasing the skids for controversial partisan measures.  I question the wisdom of this maneuver, especially at a time when cooperation on Capitol Hill is critical, and fully support Leader McConnell's efforts to protect minority rights, which are an essential part of our constitutional tradition.  Any bill that reaches a Republican-led House based on Senate Democrats' heavy-handed power play would be dead on arrival.'
And that's news how? Talk about your pointless threats. Almost nothing that the Senate has passed in the past two years has made it to the House floor anyway. That wasn't going to change after this election.

But it is pretty inappropriate interference. Maybe Harry Reid should do something like call for Senate hearings on the House committee chair selection process.

Help make the filibuster a real, talking filibuster. Sign our petition.

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