Thursday, November 29, 2012

Union members lobby Congress for 'jobs, not cuts'

Union members meet with Rep. Rick Larsen (D-WA) on a lobby day against cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, November 28, 2012. Union members meet with Rep. Rick Larsen (D-WA) Local union leaders and members from 33 states are on Capitol Hill for a "jobs, not cuts" lobby day. Speaking as teachers, health care workers, and more, they're urging members of Congress to raise taxes on the wealthiest and protect Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
Union officials will meet with lawmakers of both parties from both chambers of Congress, but the primary target will be Senate Democrats, NEA government relations director Mary Kusler told the Alley. Why?

"As we get closer to the December deadline there will be pressure on them to compromise. We don't want them to accept a bad deal just for a deal's sake," Kusler said.

Several unions are tweeting about meetings with senators and representatives.
@COeducation Pres. Kerrie Dallman meets  @MarkUdall to talk impact of #fiscalcliff on Colorado students #kidsnotcuts
' @NEAMedia via Flickr RN Michelle Boyle tells @SenBobCasey that 12,000+ PA healthcare jobs rely on Medicaid in PA health care facilities. #jobsnotcuts
' @seiuhcpa via Tweetbot for iOS . @PattyMurray believes that the poor has already paid the price. The wealthiest Americans need to pay their fair share #protectourfuture
' @AFLCIO via HootSuite It's not only Democrats hearing from these union members, though; New York Republicans Pete King and Michael Grimm, for instance, have also gotten visits.

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