Tuesday, November 27, 2012

CNN poll: If fiscal cliff talks fail, Republicans will be to blame

President Barack Obama and House Republican Leader John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) gesture while Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Cal.) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) look on during a meeting of bipartisan leaders of the House and Senate to d President Obama is in the catbird seat in the next round of negotiations. This is a wholly expected trend. First, Pew found that the majority of Americans will blame the Republicans for what they see as the likely failure of fiscal cliff curb negotiations. In the Pew poll, it was a 53 percent majority. In a new CNN poll released today, that 53 percent has an unfavorable view of Republicans, though fewer of them, 45 percent, believe it's all going to be the GOP's if the talks fail.

There's some confusion at work in the public, if this CNN poll is to be believed. On the one hand, "seven in ten say the GOP has not done enough to cooperate with Obama." And yet, "nearly half say [Obama] is not doing enough to cooperate with the Republicans, although seven in ten want him to compromise with the GOP even if he has to sacrifice some of his beliefs."

But there's one thing that's remained remarkably consistent. At least among the public, there's strong bipartisan support for tax increases being part of the mix in deal making, and for making the wealthy pay up.

Democrats questioned in the survey overwhelmingly support an agreement that has both, and six out of ten independents feel the same way. By a 52%-44% margin, Republicans also favor a mixture of spending cuts and tax increases instead of a deal that only includes spending cuts.

As for the sticking point between the parties over an increase in taxes for the wealthiest Americans, 56% say taxes on wealthy people should be kept high so the government can use their money for programs to help lower-income people, with 36% saying taxes on such high earners should be kept low because they invest their money in the private sector and that helps the economy and creates jobs.

If you need ever more evidence of a mandate than the election for President Obama's goal of raising taxes on the wealthy, well, here you go.

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