Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Lady-hating lady who says men suck because feminism totally didn't mean it that way

Frustrated woman sitting at computer Damnit, what was my opinion again? Being a lady writer who writes about how ladies totally suck is such hard work.

It's especially hard work if you make your living telling other ladies they shouldn't make a living because of The ChildrenTM and also because it will make men feel bad about themselves. Keeping all the hatred and blame straight can really hurt your ladybrain and make you write things you totally didn't mean to write.

So sayeth Suzanne Venker, aka the niece of Phyllis "Yes, she's still alive" Schlafly, aka the author of this craptastically awful article that blames feminism for turning men into unmarriageable slackers and offers shiny turds of brilliance like:

So if men today are slackers, and if they're retreating from marriage en masse, women should look in the mirror and ask themselves what role they've played to bring about this transformation. [...]

Fortunately, there is good news: women have the power to turn everything around. All they have to do is surrender to their nature ' their femininity ' and let men surrender to theirs.

If they do, marriageable men will come out of the woodwork.

Putting aside, for a moment, that we might not want these supposedly nearly extinct "marriageable men" to come out of the woodwork, since, per Venker, they're a bunch of whiny, sniveling, overly sensitive assholes, it's all okay because that's not even what Venker meant to say. No, seriously. It was all just a misunderstanding:
Reached by phone last night, Venker said that the whole thing was a misunderstanding. When she wrote about women and men, she meant to write about wives and husbands.

'I didn't mean that women can't compete with men in the workforce. I meant that men don't want to compete with their wives in marriage. Husband and wife would have been better than men and women,' she said.

But wait. Wasn't the entire point of her article that there's sort of no such thing as husbands and wives anymore because feminists have pissed men off so much that they don't even want to get married? Or have jobs?

Okay, yes, but that's not what she meant to say. It's just that being a lady writer and keeping track of all those confusing lady thoughts rattling around inside your ladybrain is "so hard":

All I can say in my defense is that it can be so hard when you write as much as I've written'three books, articles, blogs'you think you have said something but you haven't. It's like I am thinking something and I am so clear about it and I think what I have said is that. I don't know. I don't know. I didn't think that much about it. It is an important distinction between men and husbands for sure.
So, in other words, she meant to say that wives suck, which is completely different, but she somehow ended up writing that women suck because when you've written three whole books'and you blog!'it's just way too much work to remember the difference between "men and women" and "husbands and wives." So all you haters out there who are mocking the crap out of Venker can just stop it right now because she didn't even mean it that way so there.

Oh, but by the way, yes, Venker still believes that women'maybe she just means wives? Who knows?'still need to do that looking-in-the-mirror thing:

My goal is to get women to look in the mirror and say, what is your part in this gender debate? Is it women's fault? Maybe fault isn't the right word, but if men and women are equal, then how come it is that men are supposed to change but women are not.
So now she's back to blaming women, not just wives, for making the world so unpleasant for the menfolk. But maybe tomorrow, we'll get a new explanation that she didn't really mean that either.

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