Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Reliving election night, through the eyes of a wingnut

U.S. President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden (R) celebrate at their election night victory rally in Chicago, November 6, 2012. REUTERS/Jim Bourg Somehow, not everyone thought this was awesome. Remember that crazy column two weeks ago arguing that Sarah Palin should run for president? Remember how we laughed and laughed and laughed? Let me pull out this line from it:
If she were smart, Palin would recruit a member of her impressive gay fanboy base ' yes, she has one ' to help run her campaign. I nominate Kevin DuJan of the widely read gay conservative blog HillBuzz, a Palin stalwart since 2008.
I've been having fun reading election night threads at various wingnut sites. Nothing brings home just how reality-averse conservatives are than reading their election commentary. And unlike their anti-science efforts, or destructive economic prescriptions, or their denial of climate change'their heads-up-their-asses approach to reality this election bit them hard.

So yeah, we won't get such a satisfying conclusion to the climate change debate, but we can get it via their election coverage. And none I've seen was better than Kevin DuJan's election night liveblog.

I've culled some of the funnier bits below the fold, but really, if you're jonesing for more delicious schadenfreude, I'd read the entire post. It's f'n brilliant! And yes, if Sarah Palin does run for president, this reality-challenged joker would be perfect for her.

8:24 PM PT: If you enjoyed this liveblog thread, his predictions (link thx to wwjd in the comments) might be even better.

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