Thursday, November 29, 2012

Herman Cain: Sorry, can't run for Senate, must spend all free time hating Obama

Collage of five pictures of Herman Cain holding up his fingers Herman Cain, who sexually harassed one two three four five lots of women, will not be the senator from the great state of Georgia-Georgia-stan-stan Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain tells The Daily Caller that he will not run for the U.S. Senate in Georgia in 2014. [...]

'My attention will be on exposing the economic pain and suffering to come from a second Obama term, [rather] than on a decision Senator Chambliss made,' Cain said in an email provided to TheDC. 'No, I'm not running!'

Obviously, this is some heartbreaking news. Herman Cain was the most entertaining Republican presidential candidate way back in the 2012 primary season of yore. Well, one of the most entertaining. Okay, hell, they were all pretty funny.

But Herman? The guy whose answer to everything is 9-9-9? The guy who believes there are two kinds of people'men and "other people"? The guy who was damn proud he couldn't name the president of "Ubeki-beki-beki-beki-stan-stan"? The guy who turned "job offer" into a not-safe-for-work phrase? The guy who said that for every woman who has come forward to accuse him of sexual harassment'and there were many'there are "thousands" who haven't? The guy who, after being forced out of the Republican primary, endorsed "the people," then Newt Gingrich, then, finally, Mitt Romney?

Yeah. That guy. Damn shame he's decided to deprive us of the inevitable entertainment that might have been his run for Senate. Oh well.  

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