Thursday, November 1, 2012

GM joins Chrysler in smacking down Romney ad claiming it's moving jobs to China

Mitt Romney's new sloga, It's not just Chrysler. A radio ad for Mitt Romney includes General Motors in his campaign's false claims that, because of President Barack Obama, American auto manufacturers will be moving jobs from the U.S. to China, and GM is not happy with Romney:
"At this stage, we're looking at Hubble telescope-length distances between campaign ads and reality. GM's creating jobs in the U.S. and repatriating profits back to this country should be a source of bipartisan pride," GM spokesman Greg Martin said. "We've clearly entered some parallel universe during these last few days. No amount of campaign politics at its cynical worst will diminish our record of creating jobs in the U.S. and repatriating profits back to this country."
False campaign ads telling swing state voters they're going to lose their jobs because of Obama may be a way to scare up some Romney votes. But forcing two giant, high-profile swing state employers to denounce your lies to their workers and the world'going into detail along the way about all the jobs they've created and will continue to create in the U.S.'may just undercut that fear-mongering effort.

The Romney campaign keeps trying to project confidence. But if this self-proclaimed lover of American cars and universally acknowledged friend of big business was confident, he wouldn't risk headlines like "2 American Automakers Rebut Claims by Romney" (New York Times) or "Romney repeats false claim of Jeep outsourcing to China; Chrysler refutes story" (Detroit Free Press). This is the flailing of a campaign that doesn't think it has anything to lose.

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