Thursday, November 1, 2012

Patrick Murphy snags endorsement of Allen West's primary opponent

Patrick Murphy talks with district voter. Rep. Allen West's Republican primary opponent, Martin County Sheriff Bob Crowder, has had enough of West's extreme brand of insane conservatism.
'As a Republican for over 30 years, I'm embarrassed by the radical fringe that has taken over the party. Sadly, Allen West is their poster child, and the hateful, divisive comments he's made throughout this campaign make it clear to me he's the wrong choice for our district,' Crowder said in a statement.

Crowder, who is the Martin County Sheriff, said he is backing Murphy because "he has the right temperament and respect for others -- including people he doesn't agree with."

Goal Thermometer
Crowder's wife had already gone public with her support for Murphy, stemming from West's typical, utter lack of basic humanity, citing the fact that West refused to shake her husband's hand at a local GOP meeting. He doesn't appreciate being challenged, obviously. And he surrounds himself with people who are as obnoxious as he is, judging by the statement his  campaign spokesman, Tim Edson, gave.
"Crowder is a Democrat and a sore loser. I'm shocked he waited this long. Perhaps Crowder hopes to continue cozying up to local Democrats so he can be their nominee against Allen West in 2014," Edson said in a statement.
Allen West isn't just an embarrassment to the GOP. He's a national embarrassment. He has got to go.

Help Patrick Murphy make it happen.

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