Sunday, November 4, 2012

Michele Bachmann, 'an independent voice for America'


Hahaha... "Michele Bachmann is an independent voice, working for us...." Bwahahahahaa. "Saying no to big spending...." Bringing both parties together for "building the St. Croix Bridge." "Helped secure funding for the St. Cloud Airport." Hahahahahhaa!!!! Because none of that was big spending, no siree. Hehhhheeeee.

"That's why I've been an in-DEE-pendent voice, working for you." Whoooooohhhheeeeee!!!!

Must. Catch. Breath.

Okay, better now. And I have just one question for Michele. How did she determine that the people in the other party she was working with to get all that pork (don't teabaggers hate pork? I'm confused) weren't those, you know, un-American ones that needed to be investigated?

If you appreciate this moment of levity courtesy Michele (and really, who doesn't need a good laugh about now) thank the man who forced her to make this wonderful, wonderful ad.

Thank Jim Graves for making Bachmann be so damned entertaining.

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