Monday, October 1, 2012

Paul Ryan tells voters they're stupid. That'll work.

Ah, Republican logic. Telling voters they're stupid or gullible or brainwashed by the almighty Democratic machine is a great way to make voters agree with you, right?

Must be:

On Charlie Sykes show, Ryan says the president has "duped" people about his Medicare plan, once they realize it won't buy his rhetoric.
' @Rebecca_CBSNJ via TweetDeck And why is Ryan so sure that the president somehow used his extra special secret Kenyan ninja powers to dupe the country?
Paul Ryan on @SykesCharlie show: "We were actually winning the Medicare debate in the beginning."
' @RosieGray via TweetDeck Right. So, they were "winning" with their "end Medicare as we know it" plan, until that crafty Obama got his hooks into voters and "duped" them into not wanting to end Medicare as we know it after all. And if only the easily dupable electorate would stop buying the president's rhetoric, they could all go back to being super-smart and Romney/Ryan could go back to "winning."

Yep, great talking point. No way this one won't work.

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