Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Chronicles of Mitt: Aug 1, 2012

pen on paper: 'Dear diary'   Hello, human diary. It is I, Mitt Romney, your better.

Success! I have convinced my staff to schedule some vacation time with my bus. It will only be four days, From Virginia to Florida, but it will be a welcome change of pace from this European trip, which was astonishingly successful and which we will never speak of again. I do note that London has so far followed my suggestion as to not botching their Olympics. Not botching these Olympics was originally my idea, so I am happy to take a bit of credit for that.

As for the new bus tour, it is still unclear whether I will be obligated to bring a vice presidential unit along. It will be the week before the convention, and thus the last possible week to make the decision, but I do not want any of these prospective candidates hanging around either me or the bus any longer than necessary. Most of them are as dull-eyed as a dead varmint, and all of them are alarmingly poor. I once hunted varmints, you know. During our recent meeting Dick Cheney and I regaled each other with uproarious tales of our hunting adventures, although I will confess his anecdote was far superior.

I am tired now, so that will be all. I am looking forward to another bus adventure, Mr. Diary! I will have to remember what foodstuffs are popular in Florida, so that I may compliment their local culture for having those things.

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