Saturday, August 25, 2012

Scott Brown: Elizabeth Warren shouldn't be 'talking or speaking or commenting on my votes'

So this happened this week:

Brown: 'I think I'm pretty clear on where I stand. I don't need Professor Warren talking or speaking or commenting on my votes.'

Goal Thermometer

Brown was reacting, just a tad testily, to the idea that he belongs to a party that is hostile to women and to women's reproductive rights. That the fact that he hasn't called for Paul Ryan to step down from the race for vice president, the guy who still insists on no exceptions for abortion, makes Brown's calls for Todd Akin to step down ring pretty damned hollow.

Or maybe Brown was reacting so defensively because he knew this was coming: his endorsement from a right-to-life group in Massachusetts because, in the words of Anne Fox, president of the Massachusetts Citizens for Life, "what we're looking for is someone who votes pro-life, and he does."

No wonder he wants his voting record to be off-limits to Elizabeth Warren.

How about putting a woman in Brown's place? Please donate $3 to Elizabeth Warren on ActBlue.

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