Friday, August 3, 2012

Romney versus Reid, round two: 'Harry, who are your sources?'

It's Macho Mitt versus Honey Badger Harry, round two, coming to you this time from Las Vegas, Nevada:

QUESTION: Harry Reid has said that you didn't pay taxes for ten years according to some sources that he hasn't named. Could you silence these remarks by disclosing more of your tax returns?

ROMNEY: Well, Harry Reid really has to put up or shut up, alright? So, Harry, who are your sources? Let's have Harry explain who that is.

Even by Romney's standards, this is getting really ridiculous. He's the one who needs to put up or shut up, not Harry Reid. I mean, does anybody think Mitt Romney would suddenly change his story if Harry Reid came out with sworn affidavits from his sources? Of course not. It would be the same old story from Romney.

The one thing we know for certain right now is that Mitt Romney is hiding his tax returns. Even he admits the reason he's hiding the returns is because releasing them would be politically damaging. And the only way he can definitely answer the questions about what's in those returns is by making them public, just like President Obama has done and just like his father did. Until he does that, anything he says on this topic is just hot air.

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