Saturday, August 4, 2012

Obama salutes U.S. athletes in weekly address

To all our Olympic and Paralympic athletes'whether you've already competed or have yet to compete'your country could not be prouder of you. Thank you for presenting the best of America to the rest of the world. And, thank you for becoming new role models to our children'mine included'and inspiring them to believe that if they work hard and do their best, they can achieve great things, too.

Taking a break from what he called "the back-and-forth of campaign season," President Barack Obama struck a unifying theme in his weekly address, lauding America's ahtletes, reciting some of the obstacles individuals overcame to get to London, and admitting he was jealous of wife Michelle for the opportunity to watch events in person.

While talking up the amazing feats of the more famous athletes and teams, he also went out of his way to recognize the achievements of those less often in the limelight, and talked of some of the amazing personal stories:

I also thought of the truly difficult journeys that many of our athletes have made. Some have faced personal loss, or beaten cancer. Some have worked long shifts at multiple jobs to feed their Olympic dream. And some have done the impossible. Less than four years ago, Bryshon Nellum was shot three times in his legs. But this week, he'll run the 400 meters. And as a boy, Lopez Lomong fled war and persecution and life as a refugee'one of the 'Lost Boys' of Sudan. Today's he's an American'and representing his country at the Olympics for the second time.
And, of course, it's not about the mere achievements and triumphs'it's about the will and determination that the athletes displayed on their way to London, the president told his listeners:
It's that unconquerable spirit'that American spirit'that says even though we may have very different stories to tell; even though we may not look alike or talk alike or be dealt the same hand in life'if we work hard, we can achieve our dreams. We can make it if we try. We are one people, with common values and ideals; we celebrate individual excellence, but recognize that only together can we accomplish great and important things we cannot accomplish alone.
To read the transcript in full, check below the fold or visit the White House website.

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