Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Republicans introduce new bill to protect their freedom to restrict yours

An all male panel of clergy testifies before Darrell Issa's House Oversight Committee on birth control access. 2/16/2012 Religious freedom means these guys should get to make your health care decisions for you No one really believes religious freedom is under attack. No one thinks we must act NOW'right now!'before the anti-freedomists destroy America. In fact, countless polls have shown that Americans would rather Congress focus its attention on real issues, like, say, job creation or maybe that whole sequester thing or any of a number of problems that actually exist.

But that doesn't mean House Republicans intend to stop introducing pointless bills to protect horrible people from non-existent threats to their imaginary freedoms. Like the imaginary freedom to refuse to do your job if you think God thinks it's icky. (That's not actually in the Constitution. Trust me, I double-checked.)

So here is, yes, another ridiculous bill brought to you by some of the most prominent members of the ridiculous caucus: Tennessee Rep. Diane Black, who also recently introduced a bill to investigate Planned Parenthood just 'cause, and Louisiana Rep. John Fleming, M.D., who gets his news from The Onion. Head below the fold for the latest absurdity.

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