Friday, March 15, 2013

Profiles in GOP fail: Appropriations chair Hal Rogers

Kentucky Rep. Hal Rogers official portrait Rep. Hal Rogers, typical Republican Via Think Progess, here is some real leadership on display in the House. Republican Rep. Hal Rogers, chair of the Appropriations Committee, says he thinks the Ryan budget is too extreme in its cuts. But is he going to do anything about it? Of course not.
Rogers represents Kentucky's 5th District that's among the poorest areas in the country. And while he said he has concerns with some of the structural changes Ryan's budget plan makes to programs like Medicaid and Medicare and other cuts, he said he will support it. [...]

"I'll be voting for it. It's not exactly to my liking. There are a lot of things that I'm not happy with, including the overall big number," he said. "It cuts too much spending, frankly, from the discretionary side of the budget. Most people don't realize that we only appropriate 1/3 of federal spending ' and we've cut that by $100 billion over the last two years."

Whoa! A Republican acknowledging not just that Ryan's budget is devastating and that discretionary spending has already been significantly cut. It's a miracle. Or would be, if Rogers was willing to say this out loud to anyone other than his local news. Or if he used his powerful position as Appropriations chairman to stand up to House leadership. Or if he just had the guts to vote against the damned budget. As it is, he's just another Republican asshole.

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