Obama himself sees little upside to wide-ranging interviews with the beat reporters for the big newspapers ' hence, the stiffing of even The New York Times since 2010. The president's staff often finds Washington reporters whiny, needy and too enamored with trivial matters or their own self-importance....Yes, those namby pamby, lightweight local reporters and outlets simply won't ask the "tough, unpredictable questions" this country needs, or cover the big issues, like '. the impact of the sequester on White House tours:Obama gives frequent interviews (an astonishing 674 in his first term, compared with 217 for President George W. Bush, according to statistics compiled by Martha Joynt Kumar, a political scientist at Towson University), but they are often with network anchors or local TV stations, and rarely with the reporters who cover the White House day to day....
They are also masters of scrutiny avoidance. The president has not granted an interview to print reporters at The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, POLITICO and others in years. These are the reporters who are often most likely to ask tough, unpredictable questions.
' @AriMelber via web
' @AriMelber via web
The White House staff thinks the Beltway press corps that covers the administration is "whiny, needy and too enamored with trivial matters or their own self-importance?" Say it ain't so!
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