Saturday, March 16, 2013

CPAC 2013: A crowded morning, now with more Sarah Palin

CPAC banner with dinosaurs and the goposaur Another report from my wanderings through the halls of CPAC 2013, aka the Conservanomicon, aka PullUpTheLadderpalooza.

Aside from the big speakers, not much else is going on today. That is probably wise; a woman sitting next to me at one point confesses to being extremely hung over, and she is probably far from the only one. The overall morning energy level is, perhaps, a bit lower than before. A woman in her late 40s, in talking about her husband who didn't come today, tells a companion "He would have been very, very bored to pay $75 to see Sarah Palin." Yeah, buddy, I hear you on that one.

Today is Big Damn Speaker day, full of conservative leading lights and heavily tilted towards people who are unreserved in saying nutty things. Steve King gives a speech defending social conservatism. As usual, and the prototypical beginning, middle or end of every conservative fable here, he spends a good portion of his time stoking fear in liberals, saying all the things in the Bill of Rights are "under assault by a bunch of leftists."

Let's go below the fold for the rest of the updates, including Sarah Palin's big moment:

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