Saturday, March 16, 2013

CPAC 2013: Rand Paul? Really?

CPAC banner with dinosaurs and the goposaur I'm not quite certain what Rand Paul has done in his short and unremarkable political life to be worthy of the outright hagiography going on in some quarters, but that's not stopping anyone here in the halls of CPAC from obsessing on him. (And no, it's not because the whole conservative movement has come down with a case of not liking drone-based assassinations, I can tell you that right now. Dire warnings about what radical Islam will do to us if we don't wipe it off the map are frequent, and Kelly Ayotte got big applause for lines in her speech grumbling that because a high-ranking al Qaeda target had been "read his Miranda rights", now we couldn't get information out of him the old fashioned way'by which she meant torture.)

Overheard among a group of middle-aged, well-dressed attendees:

"How about that reception for Rand Paul?" one of the men asked. He mentioned that a search for media mentions of the Paul slogan, "Stand With Rand", now returned over 300 stories. "Isn't that something?"

A woman in the group sighed a bit. Hmm, not a Paul fan, I thought? A bit surprising, since I'd heard literally nobody dislike the man, in all my time here. Apparently her companion thought so too. "You didn't like it?" he asked.

She shook her head. "Oh, I think he's peaking too early," she replied.

Oy. Well, so much for that. Though maybe this will encourage other senators to hold a few old-fashioned talking filibusters. Dear senators: people like that stuff. They like standing up for things even when they're not really sure what you were actually standing up for, or even when they couldn't care less about it.

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