Friday, March 15, 2013

CPAC sort of proud of its one black guy, applauds 'diversity'

CPAC banner with dinosaurs and the goposaur This CPAC introduction of South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott will make you want to throw up:
Help me applaud diversity.
Conservatives aren't usually very into that whole liberal "diversity" thing. In fact, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, speaking earlier today at the conference, said, to much applause, "We're the ideology that is blind to color and solely grounded in the merit system." But if there's one time conservatives will semi-cheer for diversity, it's when they can drag their one black senator on stage to perform an incredibly awkward, and not very well received, minstrel show, saying cringe-worthy things like, "We were po. Not poor. Po."

You almost have to feel bad for the guy. Almost.

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