Sunday, March 17, 2013

Expect dirty bathrooms and long lines at the Grand Canyon, thanks to sequester

Panorama of the Grand Canyon. Planning a trip to the Grand Canyon this summer? Thanks to Republicans insisting on sequestration in order to protect corporate tax loopholes, you can expect:
... a two-hour reduction in summer hours at the park's main visitor center, longer processing times for back-country permits and extended lines to enter the park, which has an average 4.38 million visitors a year.

Grand Canyon's restrooms and campgrounds will be cleaned less often, and repairs to damaged trails will take longer, Uberuaga said in a phone interview. Sequestration cut $1.1 million from $21 million in 2012 federal funding. The park has stopped hiring and eliminated staff travel and overtime, except for an emergency, he said.

Have fun, and don't forget to thank a Republican! When you do, please be sure to mention that dirty bathrooms and long lines for travelers aren't just an inconvenience, they're a result of reduced hours and job cuts that will slow the economy.

But, pshaw, forget all that. There is good news for Republican members of Congress, because the cuts to that one thing they care about may be reduced slightly: President Obama is looking for a way to resume White House tours for school groups.

Tell Republicans to quit whining about White House tours and start worrying about the people whose paychecks are being cut.

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