Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Missouri Republican Senate candidate 'not sure' what the Violence Against Women Act is

Missouri Republican Senate candidate Sarah Steelman's reason for not knowing what the the Violence Against Women Act was? "I'm not sure what that is because I'm not serving right now."

That's a powerful explanation for ignorance: I don't have the job yet, I'm just trying to get it. Knowing important things about the job you're trying to get isn't really recommended, is it? Is it?

Apparently having brushed up on the issue since that video was shot (okay, probably since it was released):

Steelman said in a statement: 'Of course I am for stopping violence against women.' But she accused Senate Democrats of making the bill a 'political football' and said she would would look at 'an improved version' of the bill advanced by Republicans.
We don't know if that means Steelman learned about the bill and decided she personally wants to exclude undocumented immigrants, Native Americans, and LGBT people from Violence Against Women Act protections or if she still doesn't know what the issues are and just gave the answer the majority of Senate Republicans are pushing. But either way, her two positions on this important issue are ignorance and opposition.

The Senate will vote soon, but the Violence Against Women Act also needs a vote in the House. Sign our petition calling on Speaker Boehner to bring the Violence Against Women Act up for a vote.

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