Monday, April 30, 2012

Former Republican Party chairman furious over reminders that Mitt Romney was wrong about bin Laden

The Obama campaign video that has Republicans so mad Like John McCain last week, former Bush aide and current Romney adviser Ed Gillespie is hopping mad that the Obama campaign dared to remind voters that the president was right and Mitt Romney was wrong about Osama bin Laden:
Appearing on NBC's 'Meet the Press,' Gillespie was asked for his reaction to a video clip in which Vice President Joe Biden last week told a campaign audience 'Thanks to President Obama, bin Laden is dead and General Motors is alive. You have to ask yourself: If Gov. Romney had been president, could you have used the same slogan in reverse?'

Gillespie, a former Republican National Committee chairman, responded: 'This is one of the reasons President Obama has become one of the most divisive presidents in American history. He took something that was a unifying event for all Americans ' an event that Gov. Romney congratulated him and the military and the intelligence analysts in our government for completing the mission in terms of killing Osama bin Laden ' and he's managed to turn it into a divisive partisan political attack.'

There's really nothing in the world that's easier than rebutting this argument. Republicans milked the horror of 9/11 for everything it was worth, not just to win at the ballot box, but also to justify an entirely unrelated war. Meanwhile, the Obama campaign is claiming credit for having brought the guy behind the 9/11 attacks to justice'and pointing to the entirely accurate fact that Mitt Romney severely disagreed with the strategy that brought it about. And unlike Republicans, the Obama campaign isn't turning this into an issue of patriotism, which actually does divide the country: they've raised this as a matter of policy.

But maybe the best response to the howls of outrage from Republicans about "politicizing 9/11" comes from Mitt Romney himself:

Rudy Giuliani will appear at an event with Mitt Romney on Tuesday to mark the anniversary of the assault on Osama bin Laden, a campaign aide confirmed to CNN.
Yeah, Mitt Romney is so desperately against politicizing 9/11 ... that he's going to mark the anniversary of bin Laden's death by campaigning alongside Rudy 911iani.

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