Friday, April 27, 2012

Daily Kos Elections Polling Wrap: Welcome to contrary poll-a-palooza!

Today's data is like some odd play off of that old elementary school stand-by: "Opposite Day".

Used to seeing data showing Barack Obama with a modest lead over Mitt Romney? There are only two presidential polls out today, and both of them give Romney a slight edge.

Used to seeing longtime veteran GOP Sen. Dick Lugar struggling, but at least leading, his tea-infused challenger Richard Mourdock? A new poll out today has Lugar down five.

Worried after last week's PPP polls showed that the legislative recall elections in Wisconsin might face an uphill battle? A new set of polls out today put the Democrats in the lead in one race, and within striking range of two more.

Welcome to pollster Opposite Day! Here's the data:


NATIONAL (Rasmussen Tracking): Romney d. Obama (48-45)

NATIONAL (YouGov/The Economist): Romney d. Obama (47-46)

CA-02 (Lake Research for Solomon): Jared Huffman (D) 18, Norman Solomon (D) 10, Susan Adams (D) 8, Stacey Lawson (D) 5 (++)

IN-SEN'R (Wenzel Strategies for Citizens United): Richard Mourdock 44, Sen. Dick Lugar 39

NH-01 (Univ. of New Hampshire): Carol Shea-Porter (D) 44, Rep. Frank Guinta (R) 39

NH-02 (Univ. of New Hampshire): Anne Kuster (D) 40, Rep. Charlie Bass (R) 39

NC-GOV'D (SurveyUSA for the Civitas Institute): Walter Dalton 32, Bob Etheridge 27, Bill Faison 4 (++)

WI-SD-21 (Myers Research for the DLCC): John Lehman (D) 51, Sen. Van Wangaard (R) 47

WI-SD-23 (Myers Research for the DLCC): Sen. Terry Moulton (R) 49, Kristin Dexter (D) 47

WI-SD-29 (Myers Research for the DLCC): Jerry Petrowski (R) 51, Donna Seidel (D) 45

(++)'Other candidates in the race were tested, but polled at or under 3 percent.

A few thoughts, as always, after the jump.

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