Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Daily Kos/SEIU poll: Huge majority of Americans support equal rights for women in Constitution

Public Policy Polling for Daily Kos & SEIU. 4/19-22. Registered voters. MoE: ±3.1% (4/12-15 results):

Do you think the Constitution should guarantee equal rights for men and women, or not?

It should........................................................ 91%
It should not.................................................... 4%
Not sure ......................................................... 5%

ERA button Once upon a time, these were the scariest words in America:
Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.
Terrifying, right? Adding these words to the Constitution would lead to the end of civilization as we know it. Or, okay, maybe not the end of civilization so much as co-ed bathrooms. But it was really, really bad. If women had a Constitutional right to equality, why, they might just start demanding equal pay for equal work! And equal access to health care choices! And other horrifying, almost-civilization-ending stuff like that.

Guess what. That almost-civilization-ending notion isn't so scary to anyone but still-alive professional woman-hater Phyllis Schlafly. In fact, PPP found that just about every American believes women's equality should be guaranteed in the Constitution.

Fortunately for those 91 percent of us who aren't Schlafly, there's a bill for that, in both the House and the Senate. It's time'in fact, it's long past time'for women to finally have this basic right.

Click here to become a citizen co-sponsor of the Equal Rights Amendment.

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