Saturday, April 28, 2012

At least 22 million would go hungry under Ryan/Romney budget

Remember how those massive budget cuts in the Romney/Ryan plan fall primarily on poor Americans? The Center for American Progress has a new report detailing how those cuts in turn will affect children.

cuts to kids
  • The House Agriculture Committee's budget cuts $33 billion from the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program over the next decade, along with cuts that tie it into other safety net programs, which means school breakfast and lunch is out. As many as 22 million kids will go hungry.
  • Ways and Means eliminated the Social Services Block Grant, which funds state programs for child abuse prevention and intervention, foster care and child protective services. More than 11 million children are helped with these programs.
  • Immigrant parents won't be able to use the child tax credit, because Ways and Means would allow the credit only for taxpayers filing under their Social Security number, not those who use an alternate taxpayer ID number. That's about $1,800 per immigrant family, representing about 5.5 million children.

Let the children go hungry, say Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. Because those millionaires need their tax breaks. And the Pentagon has to have a bigger budget, whether it wants it or not.

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