Friday, April 27, 2012

Top Romney aide compares Obama campaign to a 'gyrating, intermittent lawn sprinkler'

Lawn sprinkler The funniest line in one of the funniest memos ever written by a campaign manager to the press corps:
The Obama campaign is like one of those gyrating, intermittent lawn sprinklers, spewing out attacks in seemingly random directions, hoping to get somebody wet somewhere but hoping even more to talk about anything but the unemployment rate, federal debt, gas prices, or rising health insurance premiums.
That's a perfect description ... of Mitt Romney. One day he's saying Barack Obama is a nice guy, the next day he's saying Barack Obama will destroy America. One day he's saying Barack Obama is terrible because he (allegedly) tried to cut Medicare, the next day he's proposing his version of the Ryan plan to end Medicare. One day he's saying Barack Obama doesn't have the experience to lead America, the next day he's trying to convince people that he'd have done the same thing Obama did with the bin Laden raid.

Even the memo itself comes complete with its own gyrations. It claims that it's President Obama who refuses to run on his own record ... even though Mitt Romney didn't even mention that he had once been governor of Massachusetts in his nomination-clinching victory speech on Tuesday night. And it claims President Obama hasn't been willing to articulate an agenda for the country, even as Romney himself simultaneously accuses President Obama of pursuing an agenda aimed at destroying the American economic system. It's kind of hard to reconcile those lines of attack, but what else would you expect from a gyrating, intermittent lawn sprinkler?

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