Monday, April 30, 2012

Marco Rubio has a dream ... that President Obama is the one blocking immigration reform

Marco Rubio Marco Rubio endorsed the guy who said Arizona was a model for immigration policy As if Marco Rubio's half-baked concept of a Republican DREAM Act weren't enough of a joke in its own right, on Thursday he tried to blame President Obama for the fact that House Republicans have already killed it even before its arrival. The White House, Rubio said, is "actively trying to torpedo my efforts" to build Republican support for an initiative on immigration.

But as the White House reminded Rubio today, Republicans are the ones blocking progress on immigration'and they couldn't be opposed to Rubio's proposal because he hasn't actually offered any details to oppose.

'The notion that somehow the president or Democrats would be the roadblock to any progress on immigration is ridiculous,' a White House official told TPM. 'If this proposal fails, the reason will be the Republicans.'

The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, denied Rubio's charge that the White House has been 'actively trying to torpedo my efforts' on a compromise DREAM Act, as Roll Call reported. The aide said the White House would need to see an actual proposal before weighing in.

'We can't speculate on what may or may not be in the proposal. There is no proposal,' the official said. 'So there's nothing that we can be trying to torpedo.

Indeed, notes TPM's Sahil Kapur, the White House is open to legislation that would grant legal status to immigrants while work continues on compressive immigration reform. But the chance of Republicans even agreeing to that? Nil, with or without Rubio. Just ask John Boehner.

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