Saturday, April 28, 2012

New Mexico bids adieu to 'swing state' status

For the same reasons that Arizona has become a swing state, New Mexico is retiring from that program.

Barack Obama defeated John McCain by 15 points there in 2008, and the polling so far suggests a similar outcome is likely this fall. PPP's newest poll finds Obama ahead of Mitt Romney 54-40 in the state. That's changed little from when we polled the state in December and found Obama up 53-38.

Obama's overwhelming  support from three groups that have received a lot of attention lately- women, Hispanics, and young voters- makes it very hard for Romney to be competitive in New Mexico. Obama's up 61-35 with women, 67-30 with Hispanics, and 56-35 with young voters.

Even Rasmussen has the race at 53-38, so conservatives aren't even pretending the state could be competitive.

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