Wednesday, April 25, 2012

GOP Madness, 2012! Round 1, match 5

I'm sorry, guys. I can't believe you gave Rick Santorum a victory for his "JFK makes me want to puke" over Herman Cain stumbling over his Libya answer. Did you watch the video clip of Cain? It was priceless!

Yesterday was the first upset in this competition, and no good bracket competition takes place without a good upset.

Today, we have the Bachmanns versus the most honest Romney staffer.


Yes, I know many of you will think this is childish or silly or beneath the dignity of this site (as if I pretend it has any), but still ... I don't care if you're pandering to Iowa voters, stay the hell away from the corn dogs!

Michele Bachmann eats corndog Michelle Bachmann (Daniel Acker/Reuters) And definitely stay away from them if you're trying to convince people of your butchness.
Marcus Bachmann eats corndog Marcus Bachmann (Daniel Acker/Reuters) Seriously, you don't have to eat corn dogs! They sell lots of other crappy unhealthy foods at these fairs, like deep fried Twinkies, deep fried Snickers bars, or deep fried butter!
Deep friend butter Nevermind, that wouldn't be any better.  


This one is so recent, it feels almost like it belongs in the "general election" category, but it was essentially the Romney campaign's final primary gaffe.

John Fugelsang: Good morning, sir. It's fair to say that John McCain was considerably a more moderate candidate than the ones that Governor Romney faces now. Is there a concern that the pressure from Santorum and Gingrich might force the governor to attach so far to the right it would hurt him with moderate voters in the general election?

Eric Fehrnstrom: Well, I think you hit a reset button for the fall campaign. Everything changes. It's almost like an Etch a Sketch. You can kind of shake it up and we start all over again.

The comment came after Romney's Illinois victory, as his team began to pivot to the general election. Obviously, everyone knows that Romney is a political chameleon and will say whatever it is he has to say to get elected'even if it contradicts what he said three minutes ago. But you're not supposed to brag about that on the air.

It was too late in the primary for his split conservative opposition to do anything about it. But you'd be hard pressed to find a press release from the Democratic side that doesn't include the words "Etch a Sketch."

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