Saturday, March 9, 2013

Who won Twitter again?

Twitter bird logo Several years ago, when politics was first starting to seep into Twitter, there was a widely held belief among conservatives that they had "won Twitter." It was pretty stupid, because winning Twitter didn't actually win you anything. But still, it was quite the point of pride.

But like everything else in their world, that victory, if it ever existed in the first place, is no more.

In nearly every week from early September through the first week of November, the Twitter conversation about Romney was substantially more negative than the conversation about Obama.
If that sounds like fun, it was. But none of this should be surprising because ...
Twitter users are considerably younger than the general public and more likely to be Democrats or lean toward the Democratic Party. In the 2012 news consumption survey, half (50%) of adults who said they posted news on Twitter were younger than 30, compared with 23% of all adults. And 57% of those who posted news on Twitter were either Democrats or leaned Democratic, compared with 46% of the general public.
Again, "winning Twitter" isn't worth much. More interesting is the confirmation that wherever young people hang out, that hangout will be predominantly liberal.

And it's yet another reminder that future Republicans are f'd.

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