Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Iowa Republican wants to ban divorce so his granddaughter doesn't become a slut

Official portrait of Iowa state Rep. Tedd Gassman (R) Iowa state Rep. Tedd Gassman, who is VERY interested
in his teen granddaughter's raging hormones.
(Note: Not a mugshot. That's just how he looks.) Erm, uh, WHAT?!?!?
A bill making it harder for couples to divorce was approved by an Iowa state House subcommittee on Monday, with a supporter of the legislation arguing it is necessary to prevent young girls from being more "promiscuous."
State Rep. Tedd "I shit you not this is his real name" Gassman is one of the seven Republican sponsors of this bill who believes government has a vested interest in forcing married couples stay together'except in cases of "adultery, physical or sexual abuse, imprisonment or if one partner is missing for more than a year or the couple has lived apart for more than two years"'because "[i]f our families break up, so will this nation." Also, because it might make his granddaughter a slut:
Gassman also suggested that divorce can affect children's behavior, specifically that it can make teenage girls more likely to engage in sexual activity than children of parents who are not divorced.

Speaking about his granddaughter, whose parents recently divorced, Gassman said, "There's a 16-year-old girl in this whole mix now. Guess what? What are the possibilities of her being more promiscuous? What are the possibilities of all these other things surrounding her life that a 16-year-old girl, with hormones raging, can get herself into?"

While we're all very sorry that Rep. Gassman's family is personally responsible for destroying America, it isn't clear how banning divorce would keep Gassman's granddaughter's raging hormones at bay. And she's no doubt very grateful that her hormones and her practically carved-in-stone hobag destiny are now part of the Iowa House record. Thanks, Grandpa!

But then, we all know when it comes to science, especially ladyparts science, Republicans tend to get a little confused.

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