Monday, March 11, 2013

Here we go again. Ryan says Obamacare must be repealed

Paul Ryan either has a really bad memory, or can't take a hint. All those ideas that he and Mitt Romney had in the 2012 campaign that were so roundly rejected by the American voters? They're back, including repealing Obamacare. That video is Ryan telling Chris Wallace on "Fox News Sunday" that "our budget does promote repealing Obamacare and replacing it with a better system."
When host Chris Wallace challenged him on that assumption, Ryan said he would not give up the fight.

'That's not going to happen,' said Wallace.

'We believe it should,' Ryan shot back. 'That's the point. This is what budgeting is all about. It's about making tough choices to fix our country's problems. We believe 'ObamaCare' is a program that will not work.

Of course, Ryan does keep part of Obamacare, the Medicare cuts that he and Mitt Romney ran against last year, which are also the same cuts that he had in his budget last year. So for those keeping score at home, back in 2010 the Republicans were opposed to these cuts, or at least used them for that campaign. Then Ryan embraced them in his budget. Then he ran against them in the presidential campaign. And now he's preserving them again in this budget.

And what about the fact that the American people rejected Ryan's ideas, his budget, his Medicare voucher plan so decidedly last year? As Steve Benen picked up in the interview, that doesn't count, Ryan says.

Ryan added in the same interview, "I would argue against your premise that we lost this issue during the campaign: We won the senior vote."
The House voted more than 30 times last Congress to repeal Obamcare, efforts that died in the House. Then the Supreme Court upheld the law. House Speaker John Boehner called it the "law of the land." But apparently all that, along with the 2012 election, doesn't count. Obamacare repeal is back, in Ryan's mind, at least.

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