Friday, March 1, 2013


Poster boy for the NRA. Semi-naked fat bald guy posing with guns and fake guitars. Just as the Founders intended. It's time for #GunFAIL VII.

Because the shooting hasn't stopped.

Once again, a banner week for cleaning loaded guns. I believe we have a baker's dozen of such incidents this week, including a near "perfect storm" of #GunFAIL, in which a concealed carry ninja decides to clean her gun during a visit to the local Taco Bell.

In other news, a Maine state trooper says his gun had an accidental discharge of the type that never, ever, ever happens. Nobody touched the trigger, and it was in his holster, unexposed to anyone. And yet it fired.

Put 'em in the classrooms, stat!

Speaking of which, another near "perfect storm" comes to us out of Van, Texas, where a school maintenance worker training under the district's new program aimed at certifying employees to carry safely on campus has shot himself in the leg during some post-class one-on-one time with his firearms instructor. He was, of course, explaining the difficulty he was having in clearing jams from his gun. Glad they got that fixed.

Other unusual news documented in this round of #GunFAIL:

  • Yes, a dog shot a man this week. But if you thought it was a once-in-a-lifetime sort of thing, it also happened last month. #GunFAIL III documented, it, I believe.
  • Another shooting at a gun show. That makes six shows this year.
  • Eight accidents this time involving open or concealed carriers, including a new rash of holster accidents.
  • Three shooting range accidents
  • Find them all documented in the dishonor roll, below the fold.

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