Friday, March 1, 2013

When crickets invaded the White House!

U.S. President Barack Obama answers questions after a meeting with Congressional leaders in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington March 1, 2013. Obama pressed the U.S. Congress on Friday to avoid a government shutdown when federal spending authority runs out on March 27, saying it is the "What's that? I can't hear you." You've got to love the media. And by "love" I mean having your eyeballs in a constant state of revolution. And during President Obama's press conference on Friday morning, the most eye roll inducing moment had to be when, immediately after he had given an lengthy answer outlining the $2.5 trillion cuts already made to the deficit, the proposals he has put forth over the past two years and his willingness to reach a balanced deal with the Republican Party'who have rejected outright any sort of compromise'a member of the brain trust we call the White House press corps said:
It sounds like you're saying that this is a Republican problem and not one that you bear any responsibility for.
Well, sure. That's what it might sound like if you had your head up your ass. But instead of giving that obvious response, the president went with:
THE PRESIDENT: Well, Julie, give me an example of what I might do.

Q: I'm just trying to clarify your statement.

THE PRESIDENT: Well, no, but I'm trying to clarify the question. What I'm suggesting is, I've put forward a plan that calls for serious spending cuts, serious entitlement reforms, goes right at the problem that is at the heart of our long-term deficit problem. I've offered negotiations around that kind of balanced approach. And so far, we've gotten rebuffed because what Speaker Boehner and the Republicans have said is, we cannot do any revenue, we can't do a dime's worth of revenue.

And that's when crickets invaded the room. Not a peep out of 'em.

Comedy. Fair and balanced comedy.

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